Site Analysis

In this assignment, my group determined how the existing factors of a Site affect its development as a Museum including the building(s) form and relationship to the site, to other functional elements, and to circulation elements. We Investigated this criteria that affected the development of the subject site provided to use, including, but not limited to:
Governmental Regulations
Aesthetic Considerations
Historic Influences
Cultural Considerations
Environmental Factors

Site Design

Based on the analysis in Project 1B, on an 11” x 17” sheet, on my own I had to show the project site on an appropriate scale and develop a Proposed Preliminary Site Plan for the Museum indicating the building, parking and landscaping. I had to use appropriate line weight for dimension lines, site elements, landscape elements, building elements, and any other site amenities.
Project Program:
Site Design:
Parking for 200 cars, and 12 buses.
Outdoor Eating Area for 100 people
Outdoor Exhibit Space
Museum Building:
Two Stories; is expected to be approximately 30,000 square feet,

For the Preliminary Design, it took about 6 trys for me to fit the building onto one corner in the left side of the site where I decided to scrap that side of the building and move it towards the right side where it currently lays here.
Design Parameters
At this point in the process, I had studied the Building Type, performed a Site Analysis and prepared a Preliminary Site Design. As I prepare to design the building, it is time to ask the simple question: “what items will I need to include and consider when designing this Museum?”
I prepared a “checklist” of needs, wants, requirements, considerations, and influences that I used to guide myself during the design process. This “checklist” served as a way for me to determine if I was on track and accomplishing all that I must have to design for a successful project.​
Exhibit space
Lobby/Reception area
Storage space?
Loading/unloading area?
History of lego?
Section of the second floor apart of the first floor
First-floor exterior of building brick, second floor stucco/ plain color
Only windows on doors of front entrance and exit doors
Art outside of building
Make building look pretty with landscaping
Gift shop
Proper circulation
30,000 sq ft building
2 Stories
200 car parking spots, 12 bus spots
Interactive areas so kids can build with legos?
Areas of the museum to cater towards both kids and adults (Events: Adult Night?)
Accessibility (ADA)
Make Foyer/ front entrance hall priority
Public and Private space?
New Ideas
Some of the ideas for the Checklist were scraped because the type of museum we were allowed to build wasn't specified until the end of project 1-D and the start of 1-E which was a Long Island History Museum. For The History of Long Island Museum, you had the creative freedom to pick any type of history of any aspect of Long Island. So, after some thought, I changed the Lego museum into a History of Long Island Museum of everything. This museum will explain its history from when it started to the present day for celebrities, beaches, and artwork to bring the community together having interactive exhibits and opportunities for students to put their own artwork up for display.

Comprehensive proposal for a Long Island History Museum:
An ability to design systems, components, or processes for broadly defined engineering technology problems appropriate to program educational objectives
An ability to identify, analyze, and solve broadly defined engineering technology problems.
6 DRAWING SHEETS: All lines are to be black and white and conform to CAD guidelines; 3-D images are to be color or grayscale; all spaces are to be labeled to ensure conformance with the minimum program described in the project brief.
Site plan and description of project strategy
Floor plan(s) of each floor
Exterior Elevations of all sides
One large three-dimensional image
Space Summary
Technical information
Whole building and wall sections - Roof, wall and foundation
Specific details for technological innovations and standards that will be incorporated into the design.
Structural Key Plan
Drawing line-weights: Use requirements in syllabus
Model : Inset site model for class site model
Cost Estimate: 8 ½ x 11 sheet