Materials & Methods I
In Materials 1, I had Professor Gary J. Bruno. In this class we went over the basics wood, metal and masonry and their uses in residential houses
Brick Veneer Wall Model
Build a scale model of a brick veneer wall using a combination of balsa wood, chipboard, and construction paper, showing the brick veneer, the 4 control layers, wood framing, insulation, exterior and interior sheathing. The scale of the model is ½-inch = 1-foot. Prepare a wall section on paper to identify the key components of the model.
Sketch/ Section Plan
It is the intention of this project for students to be able to identify in real construction projects the construction information that has been taught in the classroom.
1. You will be documenting a house from foundation to Sheetrocking through a number of virtual site visits. A set of Construction Drawings for the house will be provided.
2. Choose (5) of the (15) pictures and include them in their Site Visit Report for the given date.
3. Describe what you see in each of the 5 pictures chosen, paying special attention to the materials and methods you have been introduced to in the classroom as they see them in the “real life” pictures, using the AIA G711-Architect’s Field Report as a guide (accompanying).
4. Using the photographs you have chosen, research a detail area that in a book of drawing details and include it in your Site Visit Report for that date.
This Lab goes over the process and understanding of soils being used in construction.